

victorhooi opened this issue · 1 comments

What do you think of swapping in a sensor capable of PAR measurements, for measuring light relevant to plants?

(PAR and PPFD are pretty commonly used within the hydroponics and plant communities).

Actual PAR sensors are normally quite expensive (e.g $1000 upwards - I bought a small handheld Apogee unit some time back):


However, I found a recent journal article here:


where they talk about using the Sparkfun AS7265x-based boards to emulate a much more expensive PAR sensor

I actually did some research on this earlier here:


and there's a few people who used the AMS TCS34725 color sensor (since discontinued) to try to emulate more expensive PAR sensors.

However, the above paper uses the newer AMS AS7265x, which apparently work better.

Anyway - what do you think about integrating the AS7265x chips onto the board?

Would something like that be feasible at all?

Sorry, this was a dupe of #168 - not sure what happened but the Github site seemed to submit it twice/early?