
Cannot install MinGw

toowaki opened this issue · 4 comments

I understand that Bustmaster need MinGw.
However, because of company security, MinGw can not be installed.

Busmaster Installation will stop at the screen which window is "Download update manifest. Downloading 'http://tdragon.net/tminst/net-manifest.txt'.".
I think that the same thing happens on PCs of several companies.
Could you please bundle MinGw with Busmaster to avoid such problems?
install of MinGW

Did you try to delete the folder created by the installer ? I had the problem that it would not install after a partial package download. So I deleted everything and successfully re-ran the mingw installer.

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, I cannot download MinGw at my office due to security. So, the problem has not been solved yet.

But, busmaster seems to work without MinGw.
I understand that MinGw is used for node simulation.
If I don't use node simulation, is it okay if I don't install MinGw?

If you just want to monitor the CAN bus, I guess you will not need Mingw and the gcc/g++ compiler.
But if you want to write your own Rest Bus Simulation (with emission, processing etc. of CAN messages) , you will need mingw to compile your C++ Simulation Code.

You should talk to your corporate security for an Exception. Or bring your personal laptop and do all the BUSMASTER work on that laptop.

PS: Or can you ask the IT guys to do the install for you ? Mingw and g++ and pretty much standard tools without any known security issues (except regular patches, as any complex software). g++ is widely used at Google, Facebook, Android and also major stock exchanges.

I understand what MinGw is used for.
I'll consult with my IT staff to install MinGw.