
No input devices (other than default) after last arch update

rabfel-hobmet opened this issue · 18 comments

Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 5.15.7-arch1-1
Plasma: Plasma 5.23.4

After latest arch update/reboot there is no devices shown on input devices. Have been running without issue for months (no changes)

No errors.

All dependencies of panon have updated yesterday. May be that is the matter.

yeah probably...hope it fixes itself. my taskbar looks so boring without panon.

bpc1 commented

Experienced this as well plus i also found protonup is broken too. It seems like this is a problem with python 3.10 in general since a lot of things are braking that use python: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=272121

Tried downgrading all the dependencies with no luck. I'll just wait for a fix from the python guys i guess.

All dependencies of panon have updated yesterday. May be that is the matter.

any luck fixing it for you?

Not yet.

bpc1 commented

try this #78 (comment)

try this #78 (comment)

That does not fix the issue for me as I do not have a pulseaudio.py file in my panon/contents/scripts/soundcard/ folder.

i'm unable to find pulseaudio.py even on my computer at all...embarrassing. looks like i'll be waiting still. my desktop looks SO bland right now.

Manjaro latest update, using pulseaudio, patched pulseaudio.py but still not working, showing only 'default' pulseaudio device on backend settings.

Manjaro latest update, using pulseaudio, patched pulseaudio.py but still not working, showing only 'default' pulseaudio device on backend settings.

Correction - works now after reinstalling the dependecies!

See #78 (comment) if you cannot find pulseaudio.py. TLDR it could be installed globally.

this issue still happens on arch. I've been trying to install panon for a while and no sucess. also add support for pipewire as a lot of people is switching to it.
I've tried installing the dependencies and patching the python file but it still doesn't work.
I'm running arch with kernel 5.16.2 with kde plasma.5.23.5. tried to install it from the AUR and from kde plasmoids but it doesnt work. same with building it from scratch

Solution: Re-packaging and reinstall python-soundcard from AUR.

Solution: Re-packaging and reinstall python-soundcard from AUR.


solution: yay -S python-soundcard

and then rebuild from scratch. now it's working. that was so easy.

Solution: Re-packaging and reinstall python-soundcard from AUR.


solution: yay -S python-soundcard

and then rebuild from scratch. now it's working. that was so easy.

yup. its working again now. but consider adding proper pipewire backend support plz. I have to set it to ṕortaudio to make it work with pipewire and use pavucontrol to tell panon which stream is the right one. also, is there a way so make panon more sensitive to the music so effects move more?

i spoke too soon. i can now see the different devices but can't get it functioning. going to try a full reinstall and see if that helps.

i spoke too soon. i can now see the different devices but can't get it functioning. going to try a full reinstall and see if that helps.

I had to do a full reinstall of panon to make it work with pipewire. it uses PortAudio as backend. consider adding official pipewire backend support for it.