
Running a prepared select statement throws an exception

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Running the following prepared select statement throws an exception

auto prepared = m_db->prepare(
    .where(objects.ParentId == parameter(objects.ParentId)));

prepared.params.ParentId = id;    
const auto& result = m_db->run(prepared);

In the connection class it will get executed:

auto rc = sqlite3_step(prepared.sqlite_statement);
if (rc != SQLITE_OK and rc != SQLITE_DONE)

But the rc in this case is SQLITE_ROW thus causing an exception.

This also occurs when executing string queries like this:

m_db->execute("SELECT (COUNT(objects.Id)) FROM objects WHERE (objects.ParentId='0')");

Yikes, guess it shows that the slite3 connector has not seen much use yet.

Thanks for your detailed reports! I think I fixed it in develop, I'll
add a test later today.



The fix does cause the execute itself to succeed, but it causes the result of the query to be empty. After the successful execute the bool bind_result_t::next_impl() gets called which causes sqlite3_step to be executed which now returns SQLITE_DONE effectively always skipping the first row result.

And I think I fixed the problem in develop and added some tests now :-)



I can confirm the fix, thanks.

I must say I'm really satisfied with the library. The compile time query checks are brilliant. A big improvement coming from the sqlite c interface.

I can confirm the fix, thanks.

Great! I made a release of it yesterday, so you should be able to work
with the master branch again.

I must say I'm really satisfied with the library. The compile time
query checks are brilliant. A big improvement coming from the sqlite c

Thanks, nice to read that! Please spread the word :-)

