
Can't manipulate blob data

blastrock opened this issue · 20 comments

I have a sqlite3 database containing binary data, but sqlpp11 seems to lack support for that. I don't know if I should be opening this issue here on sqlpp11...

Anyway, I took the master branch of this repo and I replaced SampleTest.cpp:93 with this line:

  di.insert_list.add(tab.beta = std::string("\0\0test", 6));

I got the following error:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sqlpp::exception'
  what():  Sqlite3 error: Could not prepare statement: unrecognized token: "'" (statement was >>INSERT INTO tab_sample (gamma,beta) VALUES(1,'

It would also be nice to use something else than std::string with columns of type blob. I use std::vector<uint8_t> everywhere else in my program, but sqlpp11 won't allow me to pass that.

rbock commented

Good question whether it is sqlpp11 or the connector, I'll have to investigate...

Any help is appreciated :-)

rbock commented

So here are my results so far:

  • You need to use prepared statements if you want to use blobs
  • At least in sqlite3 you need to use sqlite3_bind_blob or sqlite3_bind_blob64

I guess I need to

  • add a new datatype (blob)
  • add support for blob in the sqlite3 connector.

This will take a few days.



I don't know if it's a better idea or not, but you can avoid prepared statements if you escape blobs like this:

insert into t values (x'410041');

Which stores "A\x00A".

I only tested it on the sqlite3 tool, not in code, but it should work there too.

rbock commented

Good to know! Thanks for the info!

This seems like a nice alternative for small blobs. For big ones it might be considered slow and bloated.

rbock commented


Took longer than I had hoped for, but I have a very first version online now, see https://github.com/rbock/sqlpp11/tree/feature/data-type-blob

You probably cannot obtain blobs, but you should be able to manipulate them, see also test_serialize/Blob.cpp

More to follow :-)



It seems that the feature branch never got integrated, is there a reason for that? (lack of time?)

rbock commented

Lack of time and public interest (I did not get any feedback on the first prototype).

I am testing performance of sqlite3 + sqlpp11 in my use case, if it fits i'll try test blob stuff as I need to store binary strings

rbock commented

Please let me know in either case.


I am stuck with another problem, it seems that the connector does not handle the SQLITE_LOCKED case and simply throws an exception (I could go past the SQLITE_BUSY using the PRAGMA busy_timeout), I could no go further yet with sqlpp11.

rbock commented

What behavior would you expect in the SQLITE_LOCKED case?

exactly the same as in SQLITE_BUSY, I use sqlite in an "insert-only" scenario (with another select-only access aside) so waiting is the only thing to do.

rbock commented

According to the sqlite3 documentation:

The SQLITE_LOCKED result code differs from SQLITE_BUSY in that SQLITE_LOCKED indicates a conflict on the same database connection (or on a connection with a shared cache) whereas SQLITE_BUSY indicates a conflict with a different database connection, probably in a different process.

Based on your description, you should have SQLITE_BUSY only. Maybe you are re-using the same connection for inserts on different threads?

It seems to happen as well when two different processes attempt to create the database file and the tables in there (though I specified the IF NOT EXISTS clause)

rbock commented

Correct me, if I am wrong, but that seems to be an issue outside of the library.

Sorry for the long silence. We are still interested in this feature, but I lacked time to test your prototype.

Anyway, I just did it and it seemed to work with a few fixes. I opened rbock/sqlpp11#223 and pushed https://github.com/SuperTanker/sqlpp11-connector-sqlite3/commits/feature/data-type-blob . I did not open a PR on the sqlite3 connector since there is no feature branch there. You can pick it from my repo if you want.

As for the feedback: it works :)
The only issue we have with our code is that since last time, some things changed. We have some types that are not stored in std::vector<uint8_t> but in std::array<uint8_t, X>. So every time we need to pass those types to sqlpp, we need to allocate and copy a temporary vector.

In our code we make extensive use of gsl::span (sorry, I couldn't find a good documentation) to solve this kind of problems. I don't know what would be the best solution for sqlpp as I guess you do not want to add a dependency.

Your prototype is still better than nothing, copying vectors is still cheaper than encoding in base64 ^^

rbock commented

Thanks for the feedback. Adding std::array as input should be rather simple to add. Do you want to give it a try?

Regarding span: Right, I am not keen on adding a gsl dependency. You could create your own data type in your project.

sqlpp17 will make this much easier, btw.

I was wondering if you had any date in mind for the next release? Are there some blocking issues?

rbock commented

Hi, I don't have fixed date yet. I need to do a few tests as there were reports on some compilation failures that I need to look into first. I hope to do so next weekend.

rbock commented

Release is done.