
An application to execute command from your voice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Execute your shell command using your voice (Speech Recogniton)

An application to execute command from your voice. Let's build a project then simply say "build" then it will execute the associative "shell" command you have entered in fields

Clone this repository then from it's root directory run following command to start.

npm install
npm start

Now visit: http://localhost:3000/

If this app want's media access permission for microphone then please allow beacause it want's to listen your voice. You are done.

Now Create a new command and it's pharse to be pronounced. For example if you want to create a file called test.txt only Speaking to your browser file then just enter these fields and click Add Command button.

Now you have the power to command your browser to do something for you :D Best of luck.

Speach recogniton for shell command

** Developed with ♥ using ExpressJS, Vuejs, Materializecss**