
High performance pattern matching on large sets of patterns in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A highly optimized way to match strings against a large set of pattern matching expressions quickly. It breaks down the pattern matchers into pieces and organizes them in a Trie (prefix search tree) structure, allowing them to be searched in roughly logarithmic time, versus linear time for just an array of regular expressions, for instance.


Using NPM:

$ npm install glob-trie.js

Now a simple require will bring it on:

var GlobTrie = require("glob-trie.js");


  • In some rare cases, like a match class sandwiched between asterisks, you'll get duplicate matches.
  • GlobTrie.walk looks wonky because I've performance optimized it.
  • There are probably some edge cases where I'm not checking things properly and syntax errors in expressions will create odd output.
  • No captures right now, but that's on the list, if I can get it to work without impacting mainline performance.
  • The expression syntax WILL change in the future as I add features, so use a specific version.

Expression Support

Currently GlobTrie only supports a very small set of pattern matching tools, similar to what's commonly available for file path matching.

    •  will match any character 0 to infinity times
  • ? will match any character once
  • \ will escape * and ? and [ and ]
  • [...] will match a RegExp-compatible character class once
  • anything else gets matched at face value

Use It

var trie = new GlobTrie();

trie.add("http://www.*.com/", "A .com website!");
trie.add("http://www.*.net/", "A .net website!");
trie.add("http://www.*.org/", "A .org website!");
trie.add("http://*.??/", "A 2-character TLD website!");
trie.add("http://*/", "A website!");

trie.collect("http://www.nodejs.org/"); // => [ "A .org website", "A website!" ]
trie.collect("ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/");   // => []
trie.collect("http://t.co/");           // => [ "A 2-character TLD website!", "A website!" ]

trie.remove("http://*/", "A website!");
trie.collect("http://t.co/");           // => [ "A 2-character TLD website!" ]


Using the brute-perf.js and perf.js scripts, performance can be compared.

For the GlobTrie implementation:

$ time node perf.js
Total Expressions: 9720
Total Operations: 10000
Total Found: 76000
Effective Operations: 97200000

real	0m0.618s

For the array of regular expressions implementation:

$ time node brute-perf.js
Total Expressions: 9720
Total Operations: 10000
Total Found: 76000
Effective Operations: 97200000

real	0m54.990s

Big difference! Note that because it's a logarithmic algorithm, the difference between the two will get wider and wider as the size of the expression list grows.