
Improve Chromebook Support - Double/Triple tap modifier for Ctrl/Super & combos

rbreaves opened this issue · 1 comments

After messing around w/ a Chromebook, Pixelbook Go, I have decided that a new feature should be added to support RDP & VNC connections from stock Chromebook devices. Should make them proper development machines for all macOS users then.

This may also be the 1st real case that may necessitate a macOS release or agent too.

A new feature will be required to allow the double tapping of the physical Ctrl key to alternate from Ctrl/Alt to Super secondarily. And maybe if triple tapped to hold down both Ctrl+Super or Alt+Super.

I do think this is the only way really to make Chromebooks useful to macOS devs. It may still break flow some but it'd be the least jarring solution that avoids hacking a Chromebook.

So, rather than build something into the keymapper to detect double/triple tapping (which would be a nice enhancement), your plan is to have something on the other side of the remote connection watching for the double/triple taps of a modifier that makes it through the connection unimpeded, and then translates the next shortcut into something with the matching modifiers?

Sounds like an interesting way to get around the limitations of the remote apps that don't properly pass through some of the modifiers. (Or keyboards that don't have them to begin with.)