
Error on install (Windowsd 11): Python couldn't be found.

gnagga opened this issue · 7 comments

gnagga commented

Install Type: Bare Metal
Distro: Windows 11 (OS set to German with German ISO Keyboard)

"Python couldn't be found. Execute the shortcut whithout arguments to install through Microsost Store, or deacticate this shortcut under"

^ translated by me. Original german wording:

"Phyton konnte nicht gefunden werden. Führen Sie die Verknüpfung ohne Argumente aus, um sie über den Microsoft Store zu installieren, oder deaktivieren Sie diese Verknüpfung unter"

The README lists requirements which include

    [Git for Windows](https://git-scm.com/download/win)
    Powershell - run as Administrator

Your error suggests you haven't installed Python3.

Not connected with the project, just thought I'd help someone while looking at the issues here.

thx, but i have it installed! same error on 2 machines. Both are german installs, might that maybe be the problem??

If you open a command prompt (windows+r, then cmd<enter>, assuming you use windows), then type python<enter> what does it say?

"Syntaxerror" 😓
weird, i clearly have Phython 3.12 installed and can open it's gui. Interestingly it sits directly on C: root folder though, is it supposed to be in programme files?

That suggests your PATH variable doesn't include the python executable path.
This might help: https://superuser.com/questions/143119/how-do-i-add-python-to-the-windows-path

Same thing there :(

it always just says

  • python3 - python3 v3.12.1 already installed.
    Use --force to reinstall, specify a version to install, or try upgrade.