
(Windows) ad functionality to move Chrome tabs around with Shift+Alt(aka Cmd)+left/right arrows. Up/down arrows still work, to move them leftmost/rightmost

gnagga opened this issue · 7 comments

(Windows) ad functionality to move Chrome tabs around with Shift+Alt(aka Cmd)+left/right arrows. Up/down arrows still work, to move them leftmost/rightmost


A support page that lists Chrome keyboard shortcuts indicates that the official shortcuts for that are Shift+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn on both Windows/Linux and macOS.


I just got on a Mac mini running Big Sur and the latest Google Chrome, and confirmed that was the shortcut that moved tabs left/right. The Shift+Alt+Left/Right shortcuts did nothing that I noticed.

Due to Kinto's modifier remapping, the physical Ctrl key becomes the Win key in any app that is not a terminal. So at the moment you should be able to move tabs with the physical equivalent of Shift+Cmd+PgUp/PgDn.

If that works, there would need to be a remap in the Kinto config for Shift+Win+PgUp/PgDn to convert it back to sending Shift+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn in Chrome(s). And maybe a block to prevent Shift+Cmd+PgUp/PgDn from doing the same thing.

Ah okay, damn I don't have physical PgUp/Down keys on my laptop and 75% keyboard anymore, so using the arrow keys would be the most intuitive.
Most logical way to me would be to use Shift+Cmd+Arrows left/right and up/down to move them around and Cmd+Arrows to cycle through them.
Maybe both ways could be implemented?

Sorry for the confusion, I thought these shortcuts were standard to Chrome in Windows, but just saw I had these through a chrome extension:

still the most intuitive way in my opinion, wonder why they don't make these standard ;)


Ah okay, damn I don't have physical PgUp/Down keys on my laptop and 75% keyboard anymore, so using the arrow keys would be the most intuitive.

I know what you mean. I also had issues with only having PgUp/PgDn keys on the numpad. But that problem was happening in Linux, in GTK3 apps. Do you not even have those navigation keys on the numpad? What about the arrow keys, when using Fn+arrows? It's not the best solution, but there should be an option in Kinto's tray icon menu to enable a "Media Arrows Fix" that would enable Fn+Arrows to be PgUp/PgDn/Home/End if they are currently doing media functions.

Most logical way to me would be to use Shift+Cmd+Arrows left/right and up/down to move them around and Cmd+Arrows to cycle through them.

The object of the Kinto config is generally to just make things work like they would have in macOS, so things are not usually added to the default config file for any non-standard customizations.

Maybe both ways could be implemented?

To be clear, I am not the Kinto maintainer, though I did use it on Linux and still use it on Windows. But you can always add customizations to your own config file for special remaps.

Find and open the kinto.ahk config file, and look for the section that pertains to Chrome(s). Which should be here in the "browsers" group:


Lines 610 to 640 in 4a3bfe7

; Close all browsers
#IfWinActive ahk_group browsers
; Page Navigation
^[::send !{Left} ; Go to prior page
^]::send !{Right} ; Go to next page
;Tab Navigation
^+[::send ^{PgUp} ; Go to prior tab (left)
^+]::send ^{PgDn} ; Go to next tab (right)
^!Left::send ^{PgUp} ; Go to prior tab (left)
^!Right::send ^{PgDn} ; Go to next tab (right)
#Left::send ^{PgUp} ; Go to prior tab (left)
#Right::send ^{PgDn} ; Go to next tab (right)
^q::send {Alt Down}f{Alt Up}x ; exit all windows
; Dev Tools
!^i::send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}i{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}
!^j::send {Ctrl Down}{Shift Down}j{Shift Up}{Ctrl Up}
; Open preferences
#IfWinActive ahk_exe firefox.exe
^,::send, {Ctrl Down}t{Ctrl Up}about:preferences{Enter}
^+n::send ^+p
#IfWinActive ahk_exe chrome.exe
^,::send {Alt Down}e{Alt Up}s{Enter}
#IfWinActive ahk_exe msedge.exe
^,::send {Alt Down}e{Alt Up}s{Enter}
#IfWinActive ahk_exe opera.exe
^,::send {Ctrl Down}{F12}{Ctrl Up}

You can see there is one existing special remap for chrome.exe:


Lines 631 to 633 in 4a3bfe7

#IfWinActive ahk_exe chrome.exe
^,::send {Alt Down}e{Alt Up}s{Enter}

You can add to that, like this:

        #IfWinActive ahk_exe chrome.exe
            ^,::send {Alt Down}e{Alt Up}s{Enter}
            +^Left::Send, +^{PgUp}
            +^Right::Send, +^{PgDn}

I think this would be correct for your keyboard, if it's a Windows keyboard. To make it work on the physical equivalent of Shift+Cmd+Left/Right.

You have to save the file and restart Kinto to activate the change.

Thank you!
Unfortunately it doesn't work yet, i found the kinto.ahk under
added it to both of them, which one is the one being actually used?

which one

Should be the one in your user folder.

You can try moving those lines up into the rest of the “browsers” group of remaps. Maybe your browser isn’t matching on the “chrome.exe” section. The shortcut should be the same for Firefox.