
Suggesting a Portable Version that does not require Admin rights

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Suggesting a Portable Version that does not require Admin rights


"hello", "please", and "thank you", may increase your chances.
On Linux theres an appimage.

And that also has no "false positives"


"hello", "please", and "thank you", may increase your chances. On Linux theres an appimage.

It concerns me that the word 'Thanks' is no longer enough to sate the self appointed internet politeness authoritarions need for public displays of attempted domination.
Not only was that unnecessary, innapropriate for the forum, and also containing unrelated information, but is indicative of a need for you to find something useful to do with your abundant free time. Do make it unrelated to attempts at altering other peoples neutral behavior and expressions for your own tyrannical satisfaction.

and a double macchiato.

and stop pointlessly trolling on GitHub