
Failing Unit Tests on Windows 11 using virtual env

mstumpf585 opened this issue · 0 comments

Wanted to help contribute to this project as I love the idea for art. However, after cloning main and installing the deps in a virtual env I ran into some failing test on windows 11 PC.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. clone repo
  2. run python -m venv env
  3. run '.\env\Scripts\activate'
  4. run 'pip install -e .'
  5. run 'pip install -r requirements/dev.txt'
  6. run 'pip install --upgrade pip'
  7. run 'pytest .'

Expected behavior
I would expect there to be no errors or test failures when running pytest on main

Debug log:
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_on_action_always_on_top_checked - AssertionError: Expected 'destroy' to have been called once. Called 0 times.
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_on_action_always_on_top_unchecked - AssertionError: Expected 'destroy' to have been called once. Called 0 times.
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_on_action_show_titlebar_checked - AssertionError: Expected 'destroy' to have been called once. Called 0 times.
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_on_action_show_titlebar_unchecked - AssertionError: Expected 'destroy' to have been called once. Called 0 times.
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_mouse_move_movewin - AssertionError: expected call not found.
FAILED tests/test_view.py::test_drop_when_url_beefile_and_scene_empty - AssertionError: expected call not found.
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_move_event_rotate - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_rotate'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_top_edge - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_v'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_bottom_edge - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_v'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_left_edge - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_h'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_right_edge - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_h'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_top_edge_rotated_90 - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_h'
FAILED tests/selection/test_selectable_mixin.py::test_hover_flip_event_left_edge_when_rotated_90 - AttributeError: 'BeeAssets' object has no attribute 'cursor_flip_v'
ERROR tests/test_assets.py::test_singleton - TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded call:
============ 13 failed, 538 passed, 1 warning, 1 error in 47.66s =============
Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\pro58\workspace\beeref\beeref\view.py", line 521, in on_selection_changed
File "C:\Users\pro58\workspace\beeref\beeref\scene.py", line 363, in selectedItems
items = super().selectedItems()
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type BeeGraphicsScene has been deleted
Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\pro58\workspace\beeref\beeref\view.py", line 521, in on_selection_changed
File "C:\Users\pro58\workspace\beeref\beeref\scene.py", line 363, in selectedItems
items = super().selectedItems()
RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type BeeGraphicsScene has been deleted