
DigestAuthenticator QOP_AUTH_INT

chrisjenx opened this issue · 1 comments

Sooo while scanning through the code I came across this gem in the DigestAuthenticator class.

            // Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body)
            RequestBody entity = null;
            if (request.body() != null) {
                entity = request.body();
            if (entity != null) {
                // If the entity is not repeatable, try falling back onto QOP_AUTH
                if (qopset.contains("auth")) {
                    qop = QOP_AUTH;
                    a2 = method + ':' + uri;
                } else {
                    throw new AuthenticationException("Qop auth-int cannot be used with " +
                            "a non-repeatable entity");
            } else {
                final HttpEntityDigester entityDigester = new HttpEntityDigester(digester);
                try {
                    if (entity != null) {
                } catch (final IOException ex) {
                    throw new AuthenticationException("I/O error reading entity content", ex);
                a2 = method + ':' + uri + ':' + encode(entityDigester.getDigest());

You will never ever get the entity to writeTo the entityDigester.
Also checking body() is not null before applying it to something that can be null is a bit weird...