
Update README.md to reflect versions beyond 1.15

jamesajones opened this issue · 6 comments

Update README.md to reflect usage beyond version 1.15 This should include 1.9

I dont understand the description, can you please explain?

The repo indicate current version is 1.15. I was able to get a jar of version 1.9. Tried to use the constructor DigestAuthenticator auth = new DigestAuthenticator(new Credentials ("admin", "passsword"); which was in the current repo but in Eclipse it shows as undefined. Update README.md to reflect usage beyond version 1.15 This should include 1.9

I still dont understand, on https://bintray.com/rburgst/android/okhttp-digest/1.15 there is 1.15, the readme states 1.15. The constructor you mentioned is also used in the tests and therfore works.


Make sure that you get the latest jar off of bintray.

also note that 1.15 is the latest version. 1.9 is older!

Thanks got wrapped around the axle there