
Gazebo simulation of inverted pendulum

Primary LanguageC++


Gazebo simulation of inverted pendulum to get started with gazebo and ros.

Refer to this tutorial to create a ROS plugin for Gazebo. Refer to this for building and and using msg files.

To use this example,

  • create a ROS package using catkin in workspace.
  • update package.xml and cmakelists.txt.
  • place all files in appropriate folders.
  • compile using catkin_make.
  • source setup.*sh file,

source devel/setup.bash

  • run,

roslaunch gazebo_tutorials inverted_pendulum_sim.launch

  • This should start Gazebo in paused mode and a Hello world message will be printed on the terminal.
  • Start a new terminal and run rqt_plot.
  • Use rqt_plot to select the variables from "inverted_pendulum_states" that needs to be printed.
  • Go to the Gazebo window and click on the Play button.

To view the states in text format, start a new terminal and run,

rosrun gazebo_tutorials gazebo_tutorial_listener

This runs a ros executable to read messages in the inverted_pendulum_states topic and displays it on the terminal.