
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A snippets repository and welterweight library used by The Workers maintained by Ross Cairns. The Workers are a creative coding studio in East London.

Build Status

Node Usage
npm install w-js
Browser Usage
wget https://github.com/theworkers/W.js/blob/master/build/W.min.js

Used in:
After Dark, Where You Are, Reset, Bloomberg Connects, o/o/o/o, Music To Move To, Wylde Archive, Wyldemag, 51 Jay St, David Newton



bind, call, clone, compose, composeAsync, composePromisers, countedCallbackMixin, cycle, each, eventMixin, extend, first, flatten, flip, interpose, isDefined, isNotOk, isOk, isUndefined, isNotUndefined, last, list, limit, loop, makeReporter, Middleware, negate, Obj, once, partial, partialRight, partition, promise, promiseWrap, range, randomFrom, report, rest, Router, Sequence, sequence, take, TickTimer, Timer, toArray, toPartition, withoutLast


clearContext, displayViewMixin, JSONSocketConnection, polyfillRequestAnimationFrame, touchEventViewMixin, viewportSize, wrappedContext, ZIndexStack,


HSLGradient, hslToRgb, hsvToRgb, RandomColorSequence, randomHex, rgbToHsl, rgbToHsv


add, angleBetween, clamp, clipNormalized, colorStringToHex, colorValuesToHex, distance, dynamicEaseInterpolation, fitScaleRatio, floatToString, getDynamicallyEasedInterpolation, hexStringToColorArray, inRange, isClose, lerp, makeMapInterval, map, MatrixStack, normalize, PI, PI_2, randomBetween, shuffleArray, wrap


backEaseIn, backEaseInOut, backEaseOut, bounceEaseIn, bounceEaseInOut, bounceEaseOut, circularEaseIn, circularEaseInOut, circularEaseOut, cubicEaseIn, cubicEaseInOut, cubicEaseOut, elasticEaseIn, elasticEaseInOut, elasticEaseOut, exponentialEaseIn, exponentialEaseInOut, exponentialEaseOut, linearInterpolatio, quadraticEaseIn, quadraticEaseInOut, quadraticEaseOut, quarticEaseIn, quarticEaseInOut, quarticEaseOut, quinticEaseIn, quinticEaseInOut, quinticEaseOut, sineEaseIn, sineEaseInOut, sineEaseOut


corsMiddleware, cssPrefixerMiddleware, Geolocate, jadeMiddleware, jsMiddleware, jsMinMiddleware, JSONSocketConnection, liveReload, WebSocketRepeater


redisReferrerStorage, redisSetStorage, redisTimeseriesStorage


addCommas, capitalizeFirstLetter, contains, cssGradientString, domStr, endsWith, hasTld, isValidEmailAddress, join, makeRedisKey, startsWith, trim



Node usage

npm install w-js --save

With express

If W.js is included via NPM it can also be served to the client using the provided middleware:

app.get('/js/W.js', W.jsMiddleware() );
app.get('/js/W.min.js', W.jsMinMiddleware() );


$ grunt build


$ grunt docs


Running Tests

Client-side tests with phantom.js

$ grunt build test-client

Node tests:

$ grunt build test-node

Test setup

  • *.test.js are run on both node and client (provided test is added to test.html)
  • *.test.client.js are run client only, provided test is added to test.html
  • *.test.node.js are run node only

Node and Redis modules

Include with, for example:

var Geolocate = W.Geolocate();