
Option to ignore a list of folders?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

C-Duv commented

Some IMAP servers provides non-e-mails as mailboxes. For instance Exchange has:

  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Tasks
  • RSS Feeds
  • Journal
  • Also: Sync Issues

When backuping such mailboxes with imapbackup it can fails, or even if it does not, maybe you don't want to backup theses folders.

There is an option to pass folder(s) to backup, but none for the one to ignore

If desired I can provide a small PR introducing the --ignored-folders option with the following changes:

@@ -675,12 +675,16 @@ def main():
          server = connect_and_login(config)
          names = get_names(server, config['compress'], config['thunderbird'],
+         ignored_dirs = []
          if config.get('folders'):
              dirs = map(lambda x: x.strip(), config.get('folders').split(','))
              if config['thunderbird']:
                  dirs = [i.replace("Inbox", "INBOX", 1) if i.startswith("Inbox") else i
                          for i in dirs]
              names = filter(lambda x: x[0] in dirs, names)
+         elif config.get('ignored-folders'):
+             # Use "--ignored-folders" option's list only if "--folders" option was not set
+             ignored_dirs = map(lambda x: x.strip(), config.get('ignored-folders').split(','))
          # for n, name in enumerate(names): # *DEBUG
          #   print n, name # *DEBUG
@@ -690,6 +694,11 @@ def main():
          for name_pair in names:
                  foldername, filename = name_pair
+                 # Skip ignored directory
+                 if foldername in ignored_dirs:
+                     continue
                  fol_messages = scan_folder(
                      server, foldername, config['nospinner'])
                  fil_messages = scan_file(filename, config['compress'],

I'd be perfectly OK with that. I originally build the script for targeted backups, so... glad to have that tested and added.

@C-Duv would you make a PR for this? It is a useful feature (together with listing them first so that we know how to spell them correctly).

@C-Duv @dumblob Have a look at #41 and let me know if that seems to meet your needs. It's pretty much exactly the code here in this issue.