
Colors are wrong in BBedit 10

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Maybe it's an issue with how BBEdit 10 handles the .bbcolors file differently, as I've never tried that in previous versions of BBEdit, but the colors are wrong.

I'm new to this, so I don't know if it's something on my end, or BBEdit, but here's a screenshot showing the difference: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/674255/BBEdit.png

Hmmm. I don't have BBEdit, so it might be that. I have no way of checking.

Ok, that's fine. I'll try and see what I can do, since BBEdit now allows setting the colors and exporting them directly to .bbcolors.

amro commented

michel, did you figure this out? can you share the .bbcolors file if so?

Sorry, I've had finals the past week, and didn't have time to look into it. But now that they're done, I have been trying.

My problem with BBEdit, it seems, is that the color categories are very broad, at least for C. Here is a screenshot illustrating that: http://cl.ly/9Eid

In BBEdit, the "if, int, define, include, return, ..." in C are just defined by 1 category called Keywords, whereas in Vim, they are separated. Going to try comparing other languages.

Edit: Another example, VHDL: http://cl.ly/9EX2

Yea, I wish I was better at this. The solarized color scheme looks so bad in BBEdit right now that it may be better to not indicate that there is an integration for it. All due repsect to @rcarmo and their time spent.

I'm worried that the basic issue regards the kind of syntax that bbedit is capable of differentiating. The bbcolors file is very thin. Can anyone provide a good guide for creating their own syntax rules in BBEdit?

I have found these references, for the adventurous:

BBEdit Codeless Language Module reference / docs

a CLM Tutorial, written for BBEdit 8.5

It's some heavy regex wizardy, which is not excessively-scary. I welcome those interested to talka bout how to divide up efforts to do it. @rcarmo have you looked into BBEdit CLMs?

Merry Xmas! I've since stopped using TextWrangler, so I haven't updated this in a while. Feel free to fork and send me a pull request.

Thanks! I'm hunting for where Vim stores the regex statements it uses to define syntax. I think I can use them to pattern the CLM for BBedit. ...nothing like standing on the shoulders of giants.