
Linea Mini Water Boiler History Graph

bpinney opened this issue · 5 comments

The Linea Mini water heater entity graphs the history of the "Temperature" attribute, the setting the user controls, and records in the log book changes to the "State", the current temperature reading of the boiler.

Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 10 16 43

I think a more useful representation of the data would be to reversing this to:

  • graph the current temperature fluctuations of the "State" and
  • record changes of the "Temperature" setting in the log book

Same here.

@rccoleman is there a way to add the current reading entitiy ? I would like to add it to the dashboard.
(I mean not the target temp, but the actual temp reading)

@orxelm You can use a template sensor for your dashboard. I use this one:

  - name: "Linea Mini Boiler Temperature"
    unique_id: "linea_mini_boiler_temperature"
    state_class: measurement
    unit_of_measurement: "°F"
    state: >-
      {{states('water_heater.linea_mini_coffee') | float(0) | round(1) | string | regex_replace(find='\\.0$', replace='') }}

@bpinney thanks!

Expected behavior is now observed behavior. It looks like the behavior was changed without referencing this issue, possibly in e196fc5. Closing this.

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I did clean up how the attributes are recorded and apparently inadvertently addressed this. I'm glad it's now working the way you'd like.