
Debug value left in release?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Not sure if it's just my implementation but there seems to be a temp debug value left in the release:


I don't control what goes there. On my machine, the current temperature is on the left, and the set temp is on the right:


I know that there were some recent changes to the water heater integration, but I don't know if that's changed as I never look there.

I never actually look at the more-info or state display like that, but if it changed, the only related change that I see is this. The actual output is actually generated here, but that only changed to support the state localization changes to ComputeStateDisplay.

BTW, I filed home-assistant/frontend#15066 for it. Let's see what happens, but it looks like it's been that way since at least 2018 based on the git history.

Turns out it is my fault, based on an intentional decision to publish the current temperature as the state rather than the ones mentioned in the docs that don't have a useful meaning here. I guess I can just make it "STATE_ELECTRIC" 🤷 . I think that has implications for the cards that I'm using in the frontend, though.


It doesn't work work with a card I'm using, but I guess I can "fix" it, too.

Released v0.9.7 to add better debug logging and fix the water_heater entity state. No matter whether you (or I) actually like the change, it's at least correct based on the docs now.

Thanks for looking at it. It makes more sense now and turned out to be far more complex than I thought! I was thinking/hoping it was just a debug value!

As with many issues, it was a super-simple change in the code.