
since compose v2, the container naming rule has changed.

RikkaBlue opened this issue · 0 comments

refer to docker/compose#8655 , the rule has changed <project-name>_<service-name>_<replica-number> to <project-name>-<service-name>-<replica-number>

I tried to change this line




it seems works fine.

 ⠿ Container nextcloud-nextapp-1  Running                                                                                                  0.0s
 ⠿ Container nextcloud-cron-1     Created                                                                                                  0.1s
Attaching to nextcloud-cron-1
nextcloud-cron-1  | Will search for Nexcloud container as a Docker Compose service
nextcloud-cron-1  | Project: nextcloud, Service: nextapp
nextcloud-cron-1  | Found Nextcloud container with ID 396cdc5c652e
nextcloud-cron-1  | Chosen shell "sh" was found in the Nextcloud container
nextcloud-cron-1  | Starting crond
nextcloud-cron-1  | -------------------------------------------------------------
nextcloud-cron-1  |  Executing Cron Tasks: Thu Dec 16 17:00:00 HKT 2021
nextcloud-cron-1  | -------------------------------------------------------------
nextcloud-cron-1  | > Nextcloud Container ID: 396cdc5c652e
nextcloud-cron-1  | > Running Script: ./run-cron-php.sh
nextcloud-cron-1  | > Done