
The policy around validator slashing due to software defects

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Strategic Category: Growth & Reduce Risk: 8, 8

The RChain software is new and under active development. In the event a software bug in the RChain software causes a validator to be slashed, it's reasonable that some recompense be available to the validator.

Proposed Process:
The Validator submits logs to a bug report including evidence of the slash, core issue. Validator has to also provide evidence that they are running CoOp node software. If upon investigation, the outcome is that the issue is a software defect, the slashed amounts are refunded to the validator.

Slashed bond is routed to a CoOperative address, and an out of protocol process for vetting the slash for bugs is in place.

Created October 9, 2018, 6:21 PM
Governance of the Blockchain - Draft

9rb commented

keep it live. As we get a large number of validators, we need to be more specific as to the kind of information they need to provide in case of slashing incidents. This can perhaps be a tutorial and templates etc. for a validator to follow if they think the slashing is incorrect.
Should validator provide root access to their node, to allow complete investigation ?