
Project that imitates major social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Users will be able to register, upload, add friends as well as other functionalities

Primary LanguagePython

To get the skeleton running, open a terminal and do the following:
	1. enter the skeleton folder 'cd path/to/skeleton'
	2. install all necessary packages 'pip install -r requirements.txt' (or use pip3)
	3. export flask (Mac, Linux)'export FLASK_APP=app.py', (Windows)'set FLASK_APP=app.py'

	4. run schema.sql using MySQL Workbench
	5. open app.py using your favorite editor, change 'cs460' in 'app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = 'cs460'' to your MySQL root password. You need to keep the quotations around your root password

	6. back to the terminal, run the app 'python -m flask run' (or use python3)
	7. open your browser, and open the local website 'localhost:5000'