To get the skeleton running, open a terminal and do the following: 1. enter the skeleton folder 'cd path/to/skeleton' 2. install all necessary packages 'pip install -r requirements.txt' (or use pip3) 3. export flask (Mac, Linux)'export', (Windows)'set' 4. run schema.sql using MySQL Workbench 5. open using your favorite editor, change 'cs460' in 'app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = 'cs460'' to your MySQL root password. You need to keep the quotations around your root password 6. back to the terminal, run the app 'python -m flask run' (or use python3) 7. open your browser, and open the local website 'localhost:5000'
Project that imitates major social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Users will be able to register, upload, add friends as well as other functionalities