
Icon misses from main menu in CI build

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The snowflake icon present in screenshot in readme misses in CI build. This is due to not using AutoIt3Wrapper.

Information I have so far:

  1. AutoIt3Wrapper does not seem to work when launching it from command line with arguments.
    for example /in FTS.au3 should work but it does not.

  2. AutoIt3Wrapper does work when launching it from command line without arguments and then selecting FTS.au3 from the file picker.
    ./AutoIt3.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3"
    The above line will launch file picker, after picking FTS.au3 there it compiles with all options set using #AutoIt3Wrapper properly.

I think this is autoit issue but I'm putting it here so I don't forget to look more into it.

Resolved in #10