
SqueezeNet is slower when using GPU than when using CPU?

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I'm trying to measure speed of doing inference on a single image with SqueezeNet. When I run it on CPU, SqueezeNet seems fast enough (comparing to VGG). But when it is on GPU, SqueezeNet gets very slower, even slower than CPU.

Does anyone know why it gets slow on GPU? Should I do something on SqueezeNet when I run it on GPU?

Here are some results of experiments I have made for SqueezeNet vs VGG in terms of their speeds both on CPU and GPU.

On CPU, SqueezeNet is much faster than VGG16.

[inference time]
VGG average response time: 2.21110591888[sec/image]
SqueezeNet average response time: 0.288291954994[sec/image]

On GPU, VGG16 gets really faster, even faster than SqueezeNet. And SqueezeNet gets even slower than it on CPU.

[inference time]
VGG16 average response time: 0.0961683591207[sec/image] # get very fast
SqueezeNet average response time: 1.50337402026[sec/image] # get very slow <= why?


What code was used to measure inference time?