
Failure when the string is empty

codesolace opened this issue · 4 comments

When the string is empty like "" then it fails with org.openx.data.jsonserde.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to org.openx.data.jsonserde.json.JSONArray .
Why do you return null in getJSONArray method when its an empty string ,if you return new JSONArray() it will not fail like this.

This does not make any sense, if the string is empty, the field is a string, not an array.
Anyway, I can have a look at it if you submit a reproducible example of the issue (code and data).
You can have a look at http://www.panopticdev.com/blog/7-best-practices-bug-reporting/ for suggestions on how to report bugs effectively

Hi @rcongiu ,

Attached are the steps to reproduce the issue,it only happens when a map reduce is spawned.


PS : My first comment regarding the issue appears strong ,apologies for that ,it was not intended to be.

Well, I don't think is a problem in the SerDe, in your example the field test is declared as an array of strings, but is sometimes just a string. Letting it assume that a string is a one element array may potentially break other users that (rightfully) expect the system to fail on incorrectly parsed data.
I could make it an option that has to be turned on in the serde, but it's turned off by default.


Closing old issue