
Outline CoC enforcement for alumni, guests, and students who are former RCOS members

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Description of Issue:

Several elements of RCOS, such as the RCOS Slack, Mattermost, RCOS's Github/Gitlab repositories, and RCOS's official social media presence are used by alumni, guests, and students who are no longer in RCOS. While it's great that we have a community that people want to keep in touch with after graduation or after deciding RCOS isn't for them, there isn't a sense of accountability regarding the CoC in the way that RPI students are held accountable.

CoC enforcement outside of RPI is very vague and the only reference to this is "in the case of external contributors, temporary or permanent bans may occur".

Proposed Solution:

Create a document in the RCOS handbook outlining consequences for CoC violations for people who are not enrolled in RCOS at RPI.

Possible consequences:

  • Private or public warning from a current coordinator or faculty advisor
  • Edits and/or deletions of messages, contributions, etc. that violate the CoC
  • Temporary or permanent ban from the space where the violation occurred
    • Temp ban can range from 12-24 hours to the remainder of the current semester (intermediate durations can be 2-3 days, 1 week, 2-3 weeks, 30 days)
  • Temporary or permanent ban from all RCOS spaces

Mozilla also has a Consequence Ladder we could look at for more ideas