
Add guidelines for live demos

kburk1997 opened this issue · 1 comments

Description of Issue:

Live demos are a good way to engage students in otherwise dry talks. However, students have behaved inappropriately during live demos in the past, and while our Code of Conduct does apply to all RCOS-related activity, we have no specific guidelines for live demos.

Proposed Solution:

Potential guidelines for live demos may include:

  • Removal of custom text from demo
  • Shibboleth/CAS authentication to remove anonymity
  • Screening custom text fields with a profanity or anti-harassment filter
  • Limiting incoming requests per second to prevent spam
  • Warning/reminder at the beginning that messages will be seen by the entire audience of 200+ people, so please abide by Code of Conduct
  • Shutting down live demo after first instance of Code of Conduct violation

As we are restructuring large group, live demos will be mostly limited to small groups for project presentations, but these guidelines are still good guidelines to have in place as small groups are still 20+ people and we may have people from other small groups attending. In addition, there will still be the occasional large group demo

Limiting incoming requests per second is also feasible for most production-ready applications for security reasons.