
Conda-forge package

jamesp opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @rcthomas, thanks for the useful library. Would you be interested in / willing to package this library up and publish on conda-forge? I'm happy to assist in doing so if you are, it's usually fairly straightforward.

Glad some others find this useful. I've been making progress toward getting this released on PyPI, but am not quite to that point yet. I'd be happy to get help with that (and/or w/conda-forge)

Twine makes it pretty painless to publish packages to PyPI once you've built them locally. Packages on PyPI can be automatically pulled into conda-forge so that would be an easy way to go.

I recently made a very simple jupyter lab extension https://github.com/jamesp/slurm-time-jupyterlab using the template on the jupyter lab website and published it to PyPI. It was pretty straightforward:

cd project-dir
pip install build twine
python -m build
twine upload dist/*

It looks like you already have a setup.py etc so hopefully fairly close to publishing.

@jamesp I finally put the package up on PyPI today.