
No motion in mjpegcanvas

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, i'm trying to get image from the webcam installed on the robot and publish it on the web but I have a problem. The webcam works well, when I start the driver on the terminal I see the image coming from it live. But when i start the mjpeg_server and I go to the mjpegcanvas I only get the first frame, no animation. If I reload the mjpegcanvas it shows the instant frame. Any ideas of what could it be? Thank you

Are you able to view the stream without any problems directly in the browser from mjpeg_server?

e.g., http://localhost:8080/?topic=/my/image_topic

Yes, and works well. I don't know what it could be.

Solved the problem! I was using firefox and it seems that on that browser doesn't work, but in chrome works as it's supposed to. Thanks for all!