
Not Working

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I have tried using plugin but it is not working. This is how I am defining it

<input type="text" id="slider-range">

and my initializing code is here

Template.postcardAppWriteMessage.rendered = function() {
      console.log('in here');
    start: [ 4000 ],
     range: {
     'min': [  2000 ],
     'max': [ 10000 ]


Is there a special way to do that? A demo or example app would be really nice.

rcy commented

The problem was that I didn't add the jquery dependency to the package.js, I fixed this and will publish a new package. Also, I added a simple example app.

rcy commented

mohsinali1317, I published a new version of this package (7.0.7-1) that should fix the problem you are having.

Thanks. :)

It is still not working, when I add the package to my app the version is 7.0.7. I am not getting the updated version.

rcy commented

Oops, I used the wrong wrapped package version syntax. Do a meteor update. Do you now see the package upgraded to 7.0.7_2?