Coded for a small personnal project, I put the component on npm. Don't hesitate to fork and do what you want with it!
npm i react-loading-text
import React from "react";
import LoadingEffect from "react-loading-text";
const Text = () => {
return (
default: [
() => alert("Loading finished!")
<p>Hello World!</p>
The LoadingEffect
(name it like you want) component take a style
object props. It can have 4 keys that correspond to the screen width:
- default > 1200px
- md > 992px
- sm > 768px
- xs <= 768px
Those keys are Array
that have 6 elements, in order:
- lineheight: same that css, the height of one line
- numberline: the number of lines you want to make appears
- color
- delay: delay before the animation start, in second.
- duration: duration for one line to appear, in second.
- timing: like css, ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out.
- callback : a function call when animation end.
Like that you can have responsive animations depending on how your text behave.