
Converting from quickdict to another dictionary formats (for example: stardict, dsl, mdict..)

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Is there a way to convert quickdic files to another dictionary extensions like stardict format --> .ifo .dict .idx .syn
or mdict format --> .mdx
or Babylon ---------> .bgl
or .dsl or .txt or .html
Thnx in advance

There is no existing way.
The dictionaries are created by parsing Wiktionary XML data via Java.
If you want HTML I guess the answer might be to download the Wiktionary HTML archive :)

Mr rdoeffinger I do not know if I read well the process of dictionary creation, but as I understood there is step where the downloaded dic is a txt file or a "raw" xml and then this file is converted to .quickdict, so I ask. Is possible cut the process at this stage? So one can use it for export this txt to stardict, dsl, mdict..