
Unable to load DLL on server 2016

totalgit74 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a .Net library I created that loads with version 0.7.2 of rClr on Windows Server 2008 but when I try the same dll against the same rClr version on Windows Server 2016 I get the following error...

Loading the dynamic library for Microsoft .NET runtime...
Loaded Common Language Runtime version 4.0.30319.42000

[1] "Loading library: <.Net DLL path>"
Error in clrLoadAssembly(f) :
Failure in rclr_ms_call_static_method, but could not retrieve an error message

As you can see the error isn't giving too much away. Is this a .Net security setting, a compatibility issue etc?

This one in particular was caused by trying to load the DLL using shared storage (i.e. UNC file path). Switched to local storage and the problem was solved.