
Try to perform struct method but coreced to R-typed object

renkun-ken opened this issue · 2 comments

Some types of objects created by CLR are by default coerced to R-typed objects. For example,

dt1 <- clrNew("System.DateTime", year = 2015L, month = 12L, day = 10L)

dt1 will be a POSIXct object in R. How can I call System.DateTime.AddDays method to the original object?

+1, I'm having problems with this as well. In my case, I want to call DateTime().ToOADate() like so

clrCall(Sys.Date(), "ToOADate")
jmp75 commented

DateTime objects are indeed converted to R constructs, on purpose. A possible workaround is to create a wrapper class around DateTime (or a set of static methods with DateTime parameters).

I take note of the need to have more convenient ways to have the option to convert .NET objects or not to R, but the use case is broader and need to be elicited further.