
Compiling from VS2017: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Core 2.0

jmp75 opened this issue · 2 comments

jmp75 commented

This is for the record.

dotnet --info returns:

.NET Core SDKs installed:
  2.1.201 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]
  2.1.602 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk]

My guess is that installing VS2019 recently brought a newer version of dotnet, 2.1.602, which does not work with vs2017

@jmp75 We are using rClr for the open-systems-pharmacology software to use .NET from R. We would be interested in having a version compatible with .net core and would be willing to work on this if you could give us some pointers as to where to begin :)

jmp75 commented

Hi @msevestre , thank you for your interest and offer. I had jolted some initial notes on a branch regarding rClr hosting a .NET core engine instead of the .NET framework CLR or Mono. I have not had professional resources or personal time to progress this for more than a year. I welcome suggestions to find a more sustainable path for rClr.