
Missing file paraguay_2012_barrrios_y_localidades.geojson

Closed this issue · 1 comments

It seems that the file referenced here is not in the repo

with open(f"{ABSOLUTE_PATH}/geojson_data/paraguay_2012_barrrios_y_localidades.geojson", "r") as f:

Error message:

  File "", line 139, in get_json
    with open(f"{ABSOLUTE_PATH}/geojson_data/paraguay_2012_barrrios_y_localidades.geojson", "r") as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/marce/dev/priorizador/flask_api/geojson_data/paraguay_2012_barrrios_y_localidades.geojson'

Closing this, already addressed in the readme I just didn't saw it 🤦