
Bug report for MixWILD 2.0 alpha3

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Need to link the options at the MixWILD interface and Fortran code properly, please focus on the code of interaction and the models with dichotomous/ordinal or nominal outcome.

  • For interaction, please check the parameters (pfixed ptheta pomega pto) in Line 22 carefully and change the values in Line 23 (B 1 or B 3) / 25 (B 2 or B 4) and the parameters after Line after 23 / 25.

  • Per Don’s email on 09/09/20, please check the additional parameters in Line 21 (C) and 22 (Cvalue) for ORDINAL outcome (B 2) and NOMINAL outcome (B 4) for making Stage 2 model configuration correct.
    @ mixregMLS_2stage_200909.docx / p.3-4, 16 & 19 (Latest version for MixReg in Drive)

  • Also, check the additional parameter (maxj) in Column 2 Line 5, and the parameter (maxj value) in Line 14 and the parameter (maxj value) in Line 16 for making Stage 1 model configuration correct (A 2). Currently, these values are “null” in “Definition Preview File” window.
    @ mixorMLS_2stage_200924.docx / p.3 & 4 (Latest version for MixOR in Drive)

The full report is saved in the Google Drive / Bug Report