
Second data set address for stage 2 model

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Eldin, Aditya and Jixin,

Would you please develop a GUI to allow user to upload a second data set for stage 2 model. I found if the units at level 1 are different between stage 1 and stage 2, the MixWild will not produce correct sample size as well as the estimate. Rachel's Fortran and code provided the capacity of doing analysis with two separate data sets. Please check with her and develop the function. This function should be appeared somewhere in the Model Configuration page. Thanks.



I created slides to show how Fortran handles the double datasets in MixWILD. Please take a look. Thanks!

MixWILD Stage 1 & Stage 2 models Fortran settings.pptx

I am working on the validation part of importing second dataset. One problem is the step to validate ID value has to be put after user has specified which column name is ID, which take place in stage 2 configuration tab. So when user import the stage 2 data in the model configuration tab, there's no way to validate the ID value consistency across the two dataset. Will discuss it in the meeting next week.
