
Cannot reproduce reactR example

jienagu opened this issue · 5 comments


I was not able to reproduce the "nivocal" example today by following this post ( using the latest version of reactR (0.4.0) and yarn (v1.16.0). I was able to reproduce it last month successfully but today when I built the htmlwidget using the same process, the viewer didn't render anything (white screen) without any warning or error messages through the process. Here is my repo:

Here are some discrepancies I noticed:

  1. in page, it seems like they add an additional note to make sure the parent container has a defined height
  2. instead of getting js file like last time, I got a jsx file (nivocal.jsx) following the process
  3. @nivo/calendar has been updated to 0.58.0

My OS is Windows10.

Thanks for any help in advance!

Comparing with, I found the discrepancy: inst>htmlwidgets: nivocal.js and are different. I am curious why these files are different using the same process?

Hi, thanks for the report. I think the difference might be the version of the build tool used, but I don't know for sure. I'll try to reproduce today.

@jienagu I was looking back over the issues and became worried that this was never resolved. Were you able to get it to work?

Hi @timelyportfolio I haven't have time to try it out yet, I will try it this weekend and let you know! Thanks for noticing! :)

I know I'm a little too late for this issue, but I know how to solve the problem.
If you inspect the element, you would find a console.log error as

Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined

To solve the problem,

  1. add dependency in package.json (
  2. run yarn install to get the dependency.
  3. add 'regenerator-runtime/runtime.js' in entry (

babel/babel#9849 (comment)