
write better introduction vignette/article

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Intro to reactR is pretty pitiful and does not convey all that can be achieved with the combination of R + react.

I would really appreciate some help here, and I think this would be a great way for first time contributors to get involved. I am more than happy to assist and promise to be nice to anyone who might be interested regardless of level of experience.

I've just started learning react (I probably have spend about 40 hours learning so far) and I am fairly comfortable with R. I would be happy to learn some more R and React if you believe I can help you with this! I think I can put a couple of hours per week.

@csmontt, thanks so much for responding, and I'd be happy to work with you. All in, my expectation would be 2-10 hours with no deadline and also no "binding contract" :) meaning we can work at your pace. I have some ideas for content, but I would prefer you go in any direction you would like. Let me know what would interest you the most.

A couple of years ago I completed the Facebook React tutorial in R if that is helpful. It is a little old though so still has the now non-existent React.createClass and does not include hooks.

xari commented

Hey @timelyportfolio —I'm currently working on an expansion of the Vignette, and will try to get a first draft PR out to you by the end of the weekend or early next week. It will be very rough, but hopefully it will be able to kick-off some good discussions in this thread about the role of reactR.

Terrific package, by the way. I really think that it is already elevating Shiny into a truly scalable and customizable platform for dashboard devs.

@xari thanks so much. I look forward to seeing your pull. Happy to assist. I would like to avoid any additional R dependencies for vignette creation if possible, so generally prefer stock pkgdown even though there are some much prettier options. In terms of js/html/css cdn dependencies, perfectly fine with these and possibly encouraging any you might like or that demonstrate the undocumented power of the combination.

xari commented

@timelyportfolio —see #57

There are a few more features that I think would be useful to introduce in the intro, like MOBX.

Inline React-in-R examples get tricky. I encountered bugs when I tried to use state to create a simple stateful example.

In any case, I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

@xari thanks so much. Sorry, have been off computer for a while. Look forward to checking this out!