
Specific development only for electron platform like web/android/ios

alexis-regnaud opened this issue · 6 comments

Is there a way to do a specific development only for electron device ? Use file.electron.js and the object{electron: .... }), same to .ios / .android / .web

Thansk in advance !

Electron platform is just web platform displayed inside Electron, so the platform is web. Why do you want to have a specific electron platform? Can't you be able to detect it as if it were another web browser? Maybe with presence of some Electron-only APIs?

Thank for your answer, just to know if it was possible to do that (with same logical that .web, .android, .ios => .electron)
Specifically I had a problem with the navigation because I use "react-navigation" to mobile case and "react-router-dom" to web and electron cases. Except that web need BrowserRouter and electron need HashRouter, but I solve my problem with a conditional test with the help of "is-electron" lib.

Thank for your answer, just to know if it was possible to do that (with same logical that .web, .android, .ios => .electron)

Technically it's possible, but I don't know how to register the .electron prefix to use it when generating for Electron platform, and more specially if it's just web platform packaged inside Electron.

Specifically I had a problem with the navigation because I use "react-navigation" to mobile case and "react-router-dom" to web and electron cases.

Why don't you use react-router-native for mobile? The re-start_router template has already an example how to unify both APIs...

Except that web need BrowserRouter and electron need HashRouter, but I solve my problem with a conditional test with the help of "is-electron" lib.

Is that true? I didn't have any problem with default BrowserRouter in Electron...

Why don't you use react-router-native for mobile? The re-start_router template has already an example how to unify both APIs...

Because I think that "react-navigation" have a better approach to mobile UI (Native design according to platform, respect of safe area, ...). "react-router-native" work but have a web approach.

Is that true? I didn't have any problem with default BrowserRouter in Electron...

If I use BrowserRouter only, in the Electron view I see the navbar but there is no action when I click on link (Router content doesn't change). And with BrowserRouter in web and HashRouter in Electron, it works..

If I use BrowserRouter only, in the Electron view I see the navbar but there is no action when I click on link (Router content doesn't change).

Does it shows the navbar? It shouldn't... anyway, you should not touch the navbar at all...

Yes there is the navbar but whatever the url (ex /first-page, /second-page, /third-page ,...), it's always the first screen define wich is display in the router content.
Here there is the same problem with the solution that I used : how-to-use-react-router-with-electron