issue: error in docs
nicitaacom opened this issue · 0 comments
Codesandbox/Expo snack
Version Number
Steps to reproduce and reproduce example
I tried do it with codesandbox but got 2 errors
It even don't let me type in terminal
Expo snack don't let me import respository also there are no terminal at all (I wanted to create clear next app to create minimal reproduce example but since I didn't found it I decided to import repository)
Minimal reproduce example
please check it out -
git clone
pnpm i
pnpm dev
- It should work like so:
when I press esc it discard changes I made
when I press enter it apply changes I made
Now to discard changes I use event listener on esc press and it doesn't work (I mean I ref is null - check console log to make sure that is null - so I that's the isse - without ref its no way to realize functionality I described above)
Expected behaviour
This example lies and firstNameRef
returns null
if you console.log it
It makes impossibe to use ref to add event listener to ref (or set focus state)
What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
Relevant log output
'inputRef.current - ' null