
New functionality and for be better then other platforms

Siliconvelly opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi my Name is Amitkumar Solanki and i am working as a react-native developer from since last 2 years. As i observed and learn that react native is deprecating all the working libraries and then not another libraries are available to work with that. also react-native not having their personal library all the libraries are third party based. whenever the new react-native version come up the old libraries are not upgrading with the latest react-native. Although some of the libraries are lastley updated in 2020 so as of now not working also some recent libraries also having too many issues.
Some of the deprecated libraries like
react-native-qrcode-scanner where the vision camera and vision-camera-code-scanner are available but getting errors and not well maintained.

this are the libraries are not maintained and also if another option is available but not working as we want.
as a developer we need a well maintained things that can we develop and give service to client.

now what is happening the libraries deprecating and by using another libraries the functionality of project is going to be changed and client having issue with that.

I know that update and changes are required but you should have to touch in with the developer's of the famous or well know needed libraries so that you and the third party developer who are making libraires can work faster and fix this kind of issues.

This is request from developer's of india.