
is there a way to specify "Debug server host & port for device" in the command line at startup.

alainib opened this issue · 2 comments

each time i run my app in local with runandroid or runios
i have to shake device or open Dev menu and manually set "change Bundle location" for ios / android or metro doesn't connect and i don't have live reload.

my alias in zhrc

alias runandroid= yarn run android:envdev-debugbuild --active-arch-only
alias runios= yarn run ios:envdev-debugbuild

Discussion points

is there a way to set them on startup ( path param with localhost:8081/index ) ?


👋 there - as stated in the README and the issue template, this repo is for long-form discussions. Yours seems more a question for StackOverflow instead.


DEBUG_HOST= ENVFILE=.env.development npx react-native run-android --mode=developmentdebug --port 8081