
Screen get stuck/blocked interact after close or selected file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After called DocumentPicker.pickSingle() the dialog open but when close or selected file the dialog still close but cant interact or click anywhere on the screen.

Please have a look at this issue

"react-native": "0.70.6",
"react-native-document-picker": "^8.2.0",

👋 @phucsang0spt, sorry you're having an issue. This issue is being closed because it does not provide all information required by the issue template. As the issue template explains, we require that you provide a runnable example that reproduces your issue and your environment information. This means you need to provide a code snippet that we can copy-paste into an empty project and see the error ourselves, or provide a git repository with the issue.
The reason is that maintainers do not have time to try reproduce bugs themselves. Please try to minimize the superfluous code and focus only on reproducing the bug.
Please create a new issue with this and we'll be happy to review it!