
AppAuth 1.7.0 will give 'No visible @interface for 'OIDAuthorizationResponse' declares the selector 'tokenExchangeRequestWithAdditionalParameters:'

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I am starting a fairly new RN project for iOS atm. version 0.73.4

i installed the newest @react-native-google-signin/google-signin = 11.0

Pod install used AppAuth 1.7.0 which will cause this error when building

'No visible @interface for 'OIDAuthorizationResponse' declares the selector 'tokenExchangeRequestWithAdditionalParameters:'

iOS version 17.0.1

Solution: looking at examples it uses AppAuth 1.6.2 for iOS. setting this version lets me build

it used to work and Pod install started using AppAuth 1.7.0 and app is not building now

Similar issue seen here:

GTMAppAuth/GTMAppAuth/Sources/GTMOAuth2KeychainCompatibility.m:137:32 No visible @interface for 'OIDTokenRequest' declares the selector 'initWithConfiguration:grantType:authorizationCode:redirectURL:clientID:clientSecret:scope:refreshToken:codeVerifier:additionalParameters:'

@kasper-madsen How do you set AppAuth to version 1.6.2? I'm trying to figure out a workaround to this issue

Exact same issue here

For an Expo managed app the AppAuth version can be set using the expo-build-properties plugin:

plugins: [
          ios: {
            extraPods: [
              { name: "AppAuth", version: "=1.6.2" },

I can confirm that downgrading AppAuth to 1.6.2 is a valid workaround.

For an Expo managed app the AppAuth version can be set using the expo-build-properties plugin:

plugins: [
          ios: {
            extraPods: [
              { name: "AppAuth", version: "=1.6.2" },

I can confirm that downgrading AppAuth to 1.6.2 is a valid workaround.

I love you!!!! thank you very much

AppAuth 1.7.1 was released with a fix

Please use that or the workaround above.

Thank you!๐Ÿ™‚

@kasper-madsen How do you set AppAuth to version 1.6.2? I'm trying to figure out a workaround to this issue

You can add the below line in your Podfile to used version 1.7.1, it work find.

pod 'AppAuth', '1.7.1'

The type pod install --repo-update to update