
Google Signin not working after release on play store - Error: DEVELOPER_ERROR

Closed this issue ยท 16 comments

Here is the explaination of my issue

  • I am working on react native firebase, I am Oauth google sign with firebase auth

  • I can signin with google in debug and release apk. But not with the app download from playstore.

  • I have implement error log to identify what happen in production by using realtime database.

  • It throws a error message Error: DEVELOPER_ERROR only on Production


  • react-native version - 0.73.6
  • @react-native-google-signin/google-signin version - ^10.1.2

Here is my Auth function

function* SignInGoogle(action) {
  try {
   // Check if your device supports Gogle Play
    webClientId: '<I use my webclient ID>'
  yield GoogleSignin.hasPlayServices({ showPlayServicesUpdateDialog: true })
  const { idToken } = yield GoogleSignin.signIn()
  const googleCredential = auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(idToken)
  const users = yield firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(googleCredential).then(users => users)
  const userData = users.user
  const additionalUserInfo = users.additionalUserInfo
  const isNewUser = additionalUserInfo.isNewUser
  if(!isNewUser) {
    const data = yield call(getDoc, 'users', userData.uid)
    if(data) {
      yield put(loginUserSuccess(data, userData.uid))
    } else {
      const name = userData.displayName !== null ? userData.displayName : ''
      const phone = userData.phoneNumber !== null ? userData.phoneNumber : ''
      const userd = {
        uid: userData.uid,
      const dd = yield call(setDoc, 'users', userData.uid, userd)
      yield put(signUpSuccess(userd, 'currentUser.accessToken'))
  } else {
    const name = userData.displayName !== null ? userData.displayName : ''
    const phone = userData.phoneNumber !== null ? userData.phoneNumber : ''
    const userd = {
      uid: userData.uid,
    const dd = yield call(setDoc, 'users', userData.uid, userd)
    yield put(signUpSuccess(userd, 'currentUser.accessToken'))
  } catch (e) {
    const updates = {}
    const time = moment().unix() * 1000
    const refId = 'error_log'
    updates[time] = {
      error_msg: `${e}`,
    update(getDatabase(refId), updates)

Does this help?

Does this help? #1252

Thanks, But it does'nt help. I have already done this.

Also I'm facing this issue and waiting solution.

Does this help? #1252

I have the same problem!
I also done this, But it doesn't help.

Did anyone find the solution?

Did anyone find the solution?

No, I tired of research on this issue on past two weeks.

Did anyone find the solution?

Same issue,
Doesn't Google Console change our SHA-1 when we upload the app with .aab format?


As I mentioned a question in the above message, I searched a little about Google Signing and realized that the Google App Sign section in the GooglePlay dashboard, changes the SHA-1 fingerprint after uploading.

The only thing you need to do is :
1 - Go to the GooglePlay Dashboard
2 - Setup > App Signing
3 - Copy the SHA-1 Certificate
4 - Go to the Firebase > Project Settings
5 - Press "Add a new fingerprint" button inside of the Android project
6 - Past the new SHA-1 there and save it.


I'm also facing the same issue. Production release apk is working fine, but getting DEVELOPER_ERROR after release on playstore. I already have SHA-1 in place

This worked for me. @mohammad-goldast @Ganeshguru5
play console -> production -> app bundles -> downloads -> download signed universal apk
Run below command
keytool -printcert -jarfile version_number.apk
copy the sha1 to firebase

I did everything, copy SHA-1 to firebase, create Android Credentials on Google Cloud
Still not working, so sad

Hello and thanks for asking,
please refer to the guide or get in touch with me if you're stuck (as a paid service, see at the top of the linked page)
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

We were not expecting this answer!

We were not expecting this answer!

I beg your pardon?

lngdao commented

This worked for me. @mohammad-goldast @Ganeshguru5 play console -> production -> app bundles -> downloads -> download signed universal apk Run below command keytool -printcert -jarfile version_number.apk copy the sha1 to firebase

This worked for me. Thanks