
Is there any cache in this library? reversed_client_id doesn't change even if Info.plist changed

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  • Is there any cache in this library? reversed_client_id doesn't change even if the info.plist changed.
  • The problem occurs in staging build which use react-native-code-push.

[Current situation]

  • Firebase authentication + react-native-google-signin library in use.
  • I changed the firebase project (same package name, separated from the firebase console into a new project)
  • Replace the Info.plist file, and reversed_client_id into URL types.
  • When attempting to log in to Google, the following error comes out that there is no reversed_client_id in URL Types.
  • However, the url in error message is the reversed_client_id in the previous info.plist, which is changed into new one.
  • android works well. the issue only in IOS.

[Error message]
but It doesn't work, so it gives me error below.
Exception NSException * "Your app is missing support for the following URL schemes: com.googleusercontent.apps.757303674484-gk2fh9u9ckob8v3hqsxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

previous info.plist reversed_client_id : com.googleusercontent.apps.757303674484-gk2fh9u9ckob8v3xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
changed info.plist reversed_client_id : com.googleusercontent.apps.111095636040-n101v3tkenjocuj8rxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[More about my situation]

  • Works well in Debug environments. Staging environments (using code push) only, this issue occurs.
  • The package designation and SHA-1 key for existing projects and newly separated projects are all the same.
  • I deleted all existing OAuth 2.0 client IDs; this client id only exists in newly created projects. (GCP - api - credentials ;
  • Naturally, no other Info.plist exists inside the project than the newly downloaded Info.plist.

"react-native": "0.73.6",
"@react-native-google-signin/google-signin": "^11.0.1",

Please let me know if it's missing or if there's any insufficient explanation. I've been struggling for two days and I'm posting it for the first time like this.

Hello and thanks for asking,
the library has no cache. The client settings, if not provided manually, are read from GoogleService-Info.plist file, not Info.plist. Maybe that will help.

Thank you 🙂