
Maintainers/Help needed ! ๐Ÿ™

rborn opened this issue ยท 160 comments

rborn commented

We are looking for more people/companies to help maintain this module!

Currently the only maintainers are @christopherdro and @rborn and we don't have enough time and resources to keep up with all the issues and questions that we have opened. I (@rborn) don't even use it anymore since 1.5 years ago)

The module has over 100K weekly downloads and is more or less the only module that is handling maps in ReactNative, but if we don't have more people or companies willing to help then it will probably become obsolete.

Please get in touch if you think you can and want to help ๐Ÿ˜ป in the next areas (or anything else we might have missed here):

  • native code (java/objC)
  • issue triaging
  • PRs management
  • improvements (docs, examples, testing)

UPDATE Oct 17th, 2020 - we seems to have many hands willing to help with triage and the JS part of the modules but we still need hands with the native code side, so for now we'll only add those who can help with this side of the project.

Thank you.

Thanks @rborn for maintaining this. There is an issue #2992 for which @ming436534 resolved in fork project here a link . Please have a look into this. This will be a great feature.

rborn commented

@hussainahmad is there a PR for it?

@rborn No he just mentioned in a comment due to shortage of time he is not creating the PR. @ming436534 Kindly if you have a time please create a PR for this.

rborn commented

@hussainahmad ok, but please let's keep this issue for what is intended - finding help.
If you have PR please open a new issue. Thank you.

Hey @rborn Me and My Team @uravgkarthik & @cchirag would love to contribute/maintain this repo

Hey @rborn I'd love to help out and join the maintenance team. This lib has been a huge help to me. I can help with:

  • issue triaging
  • PRs management
  • improvements (docs, examples, testing)

What's the best way to get started?

rborn commented

@adithyaakrishna amazing ๐Ÿ˜ป how can you help? (what areas above? )

rborn commented

@kwaimind thanks a lot ๐Ÿ˜ป I've added you with triage rights for now and later on we can pump these up ๐Ÿค—

I'd love to help with issue triaging.

rborn commented

@misteryomi added you to the repo

@misteryomi added you to the repo

i can help you :)

I can help with native code (java/objC) and public API design, if you think I need some more credibility then probably you can add in whatever is appropriate.
FYI, I use this library in my product, so expect me to be active.

rborn commented

@ravirajn22 I added you to the repo :)

Hey @rborn I can help out with general management of the repo!

hey @rborn i'm interested in helping out on the

  • improvements (docs, examples, testing)

Hey @rborn I would love to help as a maintainer:

  • issue triaging
  • PRs management
  • improvements (docs, examples, testing)

Hey @rborn I want to help with issue triaging for the moment. I also think @andiradulescu might want to help too :)

I think I could help, specially with the Huawei MapKit integration on Java

rborn commented

@tafea345 @msriaz @gabrielmoncea @andiradulescu @DaNiELChIoRo you are all invited ๐Ÿ˜ป

hey @rborn I can help for PR management and testing and docs improvement. I am using this repo in my main project.

rborn commented

@hussainahmad you're in ๐Ÿ˜ป

Hey @rborn! What all would it take to help out? We recently started using RNM in two of our mobile projects, and I'd love to help out. PM, triage, PRs, documentation improvements, etc. Let me know if you guys still want help ๐Ÿ‘

I can help for react native with native android

Hellow there @rborn, would you be so kind to share the settings.gradle file in order to run the android project?

Hey @rborn I would like to maintain repo, Bug fixing, integration modules. Could you add me too.

Hi Dan, I'd love to contribute to and maintain this repo. I've got a couple of years experience in React Native and I run an App Development Startup in Bangalore India. Let me know the next steps. @rborn

pke commented

Slightly OT: Doesn't this component originated from AirBnB? Did they hand it over to the community at some point?

@rborn: I'd also love to contribute! I'm a JavaScript/Python coder and graduated recently with an MSCS. I've been doing a lot of front-side coding using the react-maps-gl library in React, but I'm new to React Native and this project.

I'm particularly interested in cross-platform development for Android, iOS, and web apps. This would need the "React Native for the Web" (RNW) library on Expo.

I realize that react-native-maps doesn't currently support RNW. However, would that be a desirable feature to have? I'd be willing to spend some time looking into this topic, if there's consensus. Should I raise this proposal as a separate issue?

I would like to contribute. I have some experience in React Native, but I'm not very skilled in native Android and iOS. However I think I found a solution to issue #3057 that I would like to discuss with you. You can see the details in my comment #3057 (comment)

This is a great library and I'll be proud to contribute.

I would like to contribute ... I have been working as a react-native developer for 2 year before i used to be a php developer if there is anything I can help please let me know

rborn commented

@pke this happened very long time ago indeed.

@rborn I would like also to contribute on the native code part. Even if I'm not an expert, I think I can help. Consider that the solution on the issue I was mentioning in my previous comment it's on the native code

@mtumiati @shakyarahul @RobJacobson @bluntbrain @akkravikumar @softwarefeeder et al -- any chance any of you, as well as the other newly invited maintainers, care to chat? I can probably do five to ten hours per week, maybe more depending on release schedules, etc. at my day job vs. any goals we establish. I'd like to get the ball rolling on setting goals to help out this awesome project ๐Ÿ‘.

I've taken a look at the current PRs and started going through issues. I think a good first step after meeting/chatting with the current maintainers (to get a rundown on context and plans) would be to plan out triage of issues to trim down the backlog. Then perhaps review the existing PRs (some are from ~2 years ago but seem to introduce features at least one or two developers at large would like to see, assuming they haven't been handled in more recent releases). So, maybe take over a few of the promising PRs and get those reviewed and tested.

I'm going to continue browsing through the JS files on the main branch, primarily focusing on pieces that hint at soon-to-be-deprecated functionality, as well as opportunities for refactoring.

@rborn -- is there a chat group somewhere yet? Like a Discord, Slack, or something else?

rborn commented

@jasonmichaels there is no public chat available for this

ehxxn commented

would you work on this issue please ios marker lag it just stop me to ship real time bike animation in ios

Could you perhaps consider creating a Discord or Slack channel for maintainers (not the public)? For those of us who are new, I think it could be a helpful planning/learning resource. E.g., I might have an obscure problem that takes me hours to diagnose by digging through the codebase, while the underlying problem might be obvious to someone more experienced.

rborn commented

@EhsanSarshar I'll hide your comment as is outside the scope of this thread.

rborn commented

@iltumio you have a pending invite since the first time you said it

@rborn Do you guys still need a hand?
I can contribute with native code (mainly on Android), testing and issue tracking.

I use this library at work so if I can help somehow, please let me know.

rborn commented

@doranteseduardo I added you, thank you.

@rborn @jasonmichaels Slack/Discord group sounds a good idea! to establish goals and get things done.

@rborn sorry, I forgot to tell you. I tried to click on the invitation link but I'm getting a 404 error. What should I do?

@iltumio you must log in to accept the invitation

@rborn Are you still looking for guys to contribute? I can help you guys with Android Native code, Javascript /Node.js/React Native as well as with issues, documentation and testing.

Do you guys still need a hand?
I can contribute with native code, js, testing, issue tracking, or project management.
I use this library at work so I can spare some time to help, please let me know.

rborn commented

@dhanrajm @JavyMB added ๐Ÿ˜ป

ehxxn commented

library mostly have issue with ios.
I hope more ios experienced developers join the party

@rborn Do you needed help? I'm ready to contribute as I'm actively working on React Native for iOS & Android. Also can contribute for issues & documentation.

We're also using this library in our projects.


Apologies for being away the last couple of weeks -- very excited to start helping out on this.

Not sure what the interest level is, but I've created a private Discord (invite here).

@rborn -- If there's any interest (members joining over the next ~week or so), are we able to create webhooks with our current permission levels?


The invites may expire -- I set them to never expire but w/ only 100 uses. Here's the latest one(s):

hey @rborn

I would like to help with documents and new integrations, I have used this lib a lot in the consulting projects and I need it to continue working for many years with continuous improvement.


Apologies for being away the last couple of weeks -- very excited to start helping out on this.

Not sure what the interest level is, but I've created a private Discord (invite here).

@rborn -- If there's any interest (members joining over the next ~week or so), are we able to create webhooks with our current permission levels?


Yo @adithyaakrishna @pke @akkravikumar @city0666 @JavyMB @kwaimind @misteryomi @ravirajn22 @tafea345 @msriaz @gabrielmoncea @andiradulescu @DaNiELChIoRo @mtumiati @shakyarahul @RobJacobson @bluntbrain @akkravikumar @softwarefeeder @dhanrajm

@jasonmichaels and a couple devs joined the Discord server to talk about how will we make this work.
You all are invited to join, we hope to see you in there as soon as possible!

The invite has expired :(

@gabrielmoncea I added a new one to the original post

Invite has expired ๐Ÿ˜ข

@emersonjds -- I added a new invite link to the original post, just below the graphic. Can you check that one? I set the link to have no expiry, albeit w/ only 100 uses. Only a few devs have joined so far, so if we're hitting the 100 limit, Discord's got a bug or the group is officially haunted.

I understand, I'm not getting access, it is for another opportunity. tks.

mak12 commented

Are you still looking for guys to contribute? I have hands on experience with both Android Native and React Native can help you guys with issues, documentation and testing.
I am using this great library in 2 projects ,its time for me to contribute.

I got access in the group, what are the next steps ?!

hey @rborn

I'd like to help with new integrations on native and js both side.

Hello, I can be of help. Please let me know areas you need help. I'm good with RN, node, documentation and I know swift. If I can help in any of these ways let me know

Hi, I can help with the code side of things, I have good experience in native android code and in RN, but don't have experience in ios (I think I can handle the learning curve).

hi i would love to be the part of the team. i have started moving to react native after developing native android application and node api development for almost 2 years.
it would be great if anyone can give me a heads up on java sdk side of the project. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hi , I love to contribute on the repo ,i had experience in Java, Javascript, Angular, React, ReactNative and node

ztobs commented

How many contributors do you have now, still need more? @rborn
I have always wanted to give back to the community and would love to help the react-native-maps with issue tracking, testing, Android Native code and JavaScript

ehxxn commented

@rborn sorry if I am kind of spamming ;) . is there any progress in improving the library. as I track through the PRs and commits there is not that much work. would you please share the plan ๐Ÿ™

I am interested to contribute 5+ in react and 2+ in react-native 9+ overall

I am currently working on a react-native-maps based project, and am interested in participating in the maintenance effort.

Hey! I have no problem helping out with this project, and I can most definitely partake in native code management.

I can help with the Java & ObjC stuff

I can also help with ObjC.

Hey @rborn i can help with improvements & PR management. Good with javascript and RN.

I'm willing to help as well

Hello there,
Love the work you are doing and would be more than interested to help with anything from the following:

  • PR's management
  • improvements (docs, examples, testing)

Let me know how can I help ๐Ÿคฉ

ehxxn commented

maintainer is dead ๐Ÿ˜„

rborn commented

@EhsanSarshar sort of ๐Ÿ˜ฅ super busy with current work, and I don't use this module since a long time ago

ehxxn commented

@rborn first thanks alot for maintaining this awesome library, your awesome too. and second if you think your so busy why don't raise help for core maintainers ๐Ÿ˜จ

ehxxn commented

because so many projects are related to this library. and it really need polish ๐Ÿ’…

@EhsanSarshar That's the exact reason this issue was opened. Your comments at this point are unnecessary and don't contribute in any way. If this library really needs the polish as you say, then do something about it rather than making snarky comments here.

ehxxn commented

@christopherdro the problem is that too many people raised their hands for help. but there is no one to manage them. I mean this

@christopherdro the problem is that too many people raised their hands for help. but there is no one to manage them. I mean this

I will "second that emotion." @rborn asked for help, and I volunteered too. I would really love to help -- sincerely -- but need some direction.

rborn commented

So here is the deal, this is a community repository. Nobody is "the manager" not me, not @christopherdro. We just happen to help.

Back in time this repo belonged to AirBnb who put their resources in creating it and then give it for free to the rest of us. And at some point they couldn't do it anymore so it became up to us to maintain it and improve it over time.

Yes many raised their hands and we gave access to the repo to many of them, but not much happened. A very few started to help, by labeling issues or by replying with emojis to make the stale bot re-open ( which I find cute ) but that's all.

Back in time I asked the same question "how can I help?" and @alvelig was kind enough to give me directions so I'll do the same for you (I think is payback time)

Do you wanna help?
Start by helping other users that ask questions, try to find solutions on their problems and post replies on the issues they raise. Like real working code, real examples.

Do you wanna help?
Open PRs with fixes (whatever, from typos to better/updated examples,issues fixes, etc)

Do you wanna help?
Do code review and QA of the existing PRs. But real code review, download the fork and test it to see if it works. It's possible that some PRs are over your head ( I was and I'm still there) but sometimes they are simple changes and even if you don't know the language, you can still understand it and test for real if it works or not. Also you don't need to have access to the repo. A simple "LGTM/Tested on X device" message and ping one of us would do it.

Do you wanna help?
Maintain the changelog of what was merged since the last release, so we can make a release super fast and not having to spend time on this.

Do you wanna help?
FIND something you think is useful and JUST DO IT.

Do you wanna help?
Stop "+1" -ing and stop complaining.

So do this and slowly slowly you'll bring this repo to life again, like we did in the past (and by "we" I mean ALL of us that did something - as small as it was - once AirBnb gifted it to us).

But BEWARE, you'll find yourself spending YOUR precious time on something you might not want to.
And then, once you become somehow known in the repo you'll be shouted of, emailed, DMed on any channel you will be found, to fix people's problems and 99% of the people will bitch about how you're not maintaining or managing something that is not yours and where you already put effort into and how is your duty to do so ( because 99% of us are takers and 1% are givers, and we all are dancing between these two roles at any point of our lives)

ehxxn commented

ok @rborn I understood you.
I am going to actively work on this repo. I know Java and I am going to learn Objective C.
count on me.

I've wanted to help out for a while, got added to the repo and whatnot. In terms of needing direction, I tried to create a Discord group but got very little interest.

Privately, I've been working on a significant refactor to update the React codebase, but I'm not sure how much traction it'll ultimately get.

Hello rborn .
I would like to know how I can help .

@here it is funny reading the thread here, I think best thing to do is fix the current issues in this repo rather than asking. Also if you're willing just create an PR.

I hope next thread here is enough

I can help You in developing native code.

@rborn @christopherdro is anyone handling new npm releases? The last one's almost 1y old now. How can we fix this?

@webraptor Just published a pre-release of v0.28.0. It would be great to get some people testing this latest release and report back any issues they come across before doing a formal release.

@webraptor Just published a pre-release of v0.28.0. It would be great to get some people testing this latest release and report back any issues they come across before doing a formal release.

Started using 0.28.0 today for development. I'll come back with info later on (if everything's good) or if running into issues.

Hi guys !!!
I would like to know where I can get the pre-release of v0.28.0 to test it out.

Hi guys !!!
I would like to know where I can get the pre-release of v0.28.0 to test it out.


It's a funny question ,right? :-)
I have just looked at react-native-version on npm without running npm i react-native-maps@0.28.0.
I have got the version v0.28.0 and I am about to test it out.
Thank you a lot.:-)

I would like to help out and learn.

Hi guys! Just wanted to introduce myself before starting to contribute. I am the developer of TraceForce Android and TraceForce iOS. TraceForce uses many features of this library.

I have good native expertise in Android (Java and Kotlin) and some (enough for most things) in iOS (Objective-C and Swift).

My first (near future) PR
I am currently adopting PR #3214. It was a good start for a PR (image overlay bearing/rotation) that has never been merged.

App Store Example App
I'd like to modernize the example app, i.e. also providing an example in the app stores which is based on the current codebase. I can hook this up to my CI/CD (Jenkins) and keep it up to date, with continues uploads of test versions to app stores, which I will then submit for approval regularly.
I think this will bring more and more people on board as well as provide a simple way for everyone to test new features and versions in a sandbox.

Let me know what you think about the app store example app idea. If won't bother for now until I get feedback.

I could try to help you with native code, but I am not sure what is expected. For sure I can help with reviewing PRs and I want to work on features which I need in my product.

Hi @the-habu! I think working through #3214 is a great idea and appreciate you taking the time.

The example app was recently updated by @ravirajn22 #3705. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to have an app store version of the example app and would rather have that time and energy put into improving the codebase and making the sure example app in this repo is easy to run.

I would like to actively help the repository :)